An Evaluation of Part-Time Work in the European Union Countries: A Cross-National Comparative Analysis

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Yayınevi :
Berikan Yayınevi
Basım Yeri / Yılı :
ANKARA / 2021
Sayfa Sayısı :
Ebat :
14 cm X 21 cm
Fiyatı :
The world is facing a tremendous change since the last century. Even today, digital transformation with the catalyzing effects of Covid-19, has been promoted in every aspect of our lives. These factors are enhancing more rapid changes in the business life and also in the job markets. It is unquestionable that, after Covid 19, the future of work will be never the same. This book, is examining the part-time employment rates and employees’ main reasons for working part time in the European Union in the last fifteen years.
I hope employees, organizations, governments, scholars and students will benefit from this analysis-based book. Furthermore, I wish there will be equal opportunities for part-time and full-time employees in the job market.

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