The Ontological Values of Existence From Literary Value to Ontological Value Lights Reflected in the Meaning of the Word

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Yayınevi :
Berikan Yayınevi
Basım Yeri / Yılı :
ANKARA / 2020
Sayfa Sayısı :
Ebat :
14 cm X 21 cm
Fiyatı :

In this book, the author searches for new interpretations about semantics, ontology and literature. He based on the meaning of the words, and examines the theses about existence.
Why is there art and literature? What is the reason for the existence of the word? Does existence establish the connection between "word" and "thought"? What is the relationship between "word" and "thought"?
Works of art are an imitation of the fiction of existence. The original archetype is existence. "Idea and mimesis" theory has been considered according to this first archetype for centuries. "Cave metaphor" also supports this first archetypal model of Socrates. Literary works use this main theme in various visions by accepting or rejecting.
The question "why is everything there" is a proposition that causes ontological evaluations. Why are there people, the universe, the world? We do not know. We believe, perceive, feel, but we do not know with concrete and objective information.
Based on the meanings of the words, we are looking for the answer to the question "why". What is the origin of the universe? Why is there human? Why does man live according to his perceptions? Why is existence represented by fiction in works of art?
In the book, a perspective ranging from literary value to ontological value is established, questions are asked and answers are considered.

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